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Severin Sorensen

Leading with Solutions: A New Era of Executive Coaching

One approach has emerged as a transformative force in empowering high-level leaders and organizations: solutions-focused coaching. In this article, we delve into the core principles of this coaching methodology, exploring its unique advantages, applications in the corporate world, alignment with existing coaching models, as well as the benefits, challenges, and critical considerations for executive coaches seeking to implement this dynamic approach.

The solutions-focused coaching model

The solutions-focused model stands as a beacon of progress. Rooted in the belief that individuals and organizations inherently possess the tools to overcome challenges, this approach swiftly shifts the focus from problems to solutions. It operates on the premise that executives, the architects of corporate success, are capable of identifying and implementing the solutions they seek with the guidance of a skilled coach.

Key principles of solutions-focused coaching

  • Solutions-centric philosophy: This model places solutions at the forefront, urging executives to explore their potential to effect change proactively.

  • Client-centric approach: Empowering executives to define their aspirations, chart their course, and determine their vision of success is at the core of this approach.

  • Incremental progress: Solutions-focused coaching champions the concept of gradual, manageable steps towards achieving goals, with a focus on steady progress over grand transformations.

  • A vision of the future: Coaches guide executives to envision a future free from the shackles of their current challenges, allowing for a vivid picture of success.

Examples and application in the executive sphere

Solutions-focused coaching proves exceptionally versatile in executive development, with applications ranging from leadership skills enhancement to navigating complex organizational changes.

  • Leadership development: For executives seeking to ascend to the highest echelons of leadership, solutions-focused coaching provides a structured pathway for identifying strengths, setting leadership objectives, and addressing specific challenges.

  • Organizational transformation: In times of significant change or crisis, organizations often turn to executive coaches well-versed in solutions-focused techniques to guide their leadership through turbulent waters and help them steer the ship towards calmer seas.

Coaching models in harmony with solutions-focused coaching

To enhance the effectiveness of the solutions-focused framework, executive coaches often integrate complementary coaching models. Among these are:

The GROW Model

The GROW model is a widely used coaching framework that stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Will (or Way Forward). Like many tools and methods, the GROW model has its proponents and critics. Here's a summary of arguments for and against the GROW model in coaching.

Arguments for the GROW model

  • Simplicity and structure: The GROW model provides a clear and straightforward structure for coaching sessions. This can be especially helpful for new coaches or those looking for a more organized approach.

  • Focus on action and results: By emphasizing the final 'Will' or 'Way Forward' step, the GROW model ensures that coaching sessions result in concrete actions and commitments.

  • Client-centered: The GROW model is based on the principle that the coachee has the answers to their own problems. This respects and utilizes the client’s own expertise and insights.

  • Versatility: It can be used in a variety of settings, from individual personal coaching to corporate environments. Its simplicity makes it adaptable.

  • Establishes clear goals: The initial 'Goal' step ensures that both the coach and the coachee have a clear understanding of the desired outcome of the coaching process.

  • Facilitates self-awareness: By examining the 'Reality' and exploring 'Options,' coachees can gain insights into their current situation and the choices available to them.

Arguments against the GROW model

  • Over-simplicity: Critics argue that the GROW model may be too linear and simplistic for complex issues. Not all problems can be neatly fit into the GROW framework.

  • Risk of being formulaic: There's a risk that coaches might apply the GROW model too rigidly, turning sessions into a box-ticking exercise rather than a dynamic, responsive interaction.

  • Lack of emphasis on emotions: Some critics believe that the GROW model doesn't adequately address the emotional aspects of a coachee's challenges.

  • Potential for surface-level solutions: If not used deeply and thoughtfully, the GROW model could lead to solutions that address symptoms rather than root causes.

  • May not suit all coachees: Some clients might find the structure restrictive or not in line with their preferred way of thinking or exploring challenges.

  • Requires skillful facilitation: In the wrong hands, the GROW model can be misused or misinterpreted, leading to ineffective coaching sessions.

The GROW model, like all tools and frameworks, has its strengths and weaknesses. Its effectiveness often depends on the skill and adaptability of the coach, as well as the nature of the problem being addressed and the preferences of the coachee. It's often beneficial for coaches to be familiar with multiple models and approaches so they can tailor their methods to the unique needs of each client.

The OSCAR Model

The OSCAR coaching model, derived from the GROW model, offers a structured approach tailored for executive coaches. Its components - Outcome, Situation, Choices and Consequences, Actions, and Review - provide a comprehensive framework for coaching sessions. Notably, the "Choices and Consequences" phase encourages the exploration of risks, making it particularly suitable for management coaching. The OSCAR model's emphasis on reviewing progress and taking action aligns seamlessly with the demands of executive coaching. To learn more about the OSCAR model, read “Exploring the OSCAR Model: A Valuable Resource for Executive Coaches.

The CLEAR Model

The CLEAR model is a solutions-focused coaching framework that begins with "Contracting" to establish the coaching relationship's goals and boundaries. It emphasizes "Listening" to build trust and understand the coachee's perspective, followed by "Exploring" the issue in depth, considering barriers, resources, and potential solutions. The "Action" phase creates a concrete plan for the coachee to move forward, while the "Review" phase reflects on the session's progress and adjusts plans as needed. This structured approach ensures goal-oriented, actionable outcomes in coaching sessions.

Benefits of solutions-focused coaching for executives

Solutions-focused coaching offers a results-driven approach to personal and professional development, emphasizing practical strategies to achieve goals and overcome challenges. Three distinct benefits of solutions-focused coaching are described below.


Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to solutions-focused coaching in the executive world. This approach offers a swifter path to results, a particularly appealing prospect for time-strapped executives who are laser-focused on achieving tangible progress in their leadership journey. In a fast-paced corporate environment, where every moment counts, the ability to swiftly identify and implement solutions is a game-changer.


Empowerment takes center stage in solutions-focused coaching. Executives, who are accustomed to wielding power and influence in their organizations, find themselves in an environment where they actively engage in defining and implementing solutions. This hands-on approach instills an unparalleled sense of control, fostering unwavering confidence in their leadership abilities. The very act of participation becomes a catalyst for leadership growth.

Positive leadership

Positive Leadership is a natural byproduct of the solutions-focused coaching model. Firmly rooted in the principles of positive psychology, it propels executives towards cultivating resilience, well-being, and a forward-looking mindset. In the face of challenges, executives harness their strengths and resources to create a brighter future. This mindset shift not only benefits their personal and professional lives but also permeates their organizations, inspiring a culture of positivity and growth.

Challenges of solutions-focused coaching for executives

Inapplicability to all situations

While solutions-focused coaching shines in numerous scenarios, it's essential to recognize its limitations. This approach may not be the panacea for deeply rooted psychological issues that demand extensive therapeutic intervention. It is paramount for executive coaches to discern when to deploy this tool and when to explore alternative methods, ensuring the best outcome for their clients.


Potential Resistance can be an initial stumbling block. Some executives, accustomed to traditional problem-focused coaching, might initially resist the shift towards a solutions-focused approach. Adapting to this new paradigm requires a shift in mindset and a willingness to embrace change. Coaches must be adept at navigating this resistance, gently guiding their clients towards the transformative potential of solutions-focused coaching. Patience and skillful guidance are key to overcoming this challenge and unlocking the full benefits of this approach.

Considerations for implementing solutions-focused coaching

Before embarking on the journey of implementing solutions-focused coaching for executives, several considerations merit attention.

Expertise and training

Executive coaches should undergo comprehensive training to master solutions-focused techniques and principles, ensuring their ability to deliver high-quality coaching. Firstly, this training equips coaches with the specialized skills and knowledge necessary to effectively implement the solutions-focused approach, ensuring that they can guide their executive clients toward meaningful progress. Moreover, mastering solutions-focused techniques enables coaches to adapt the approach to various executive scenarios and individual client needs, ensuring that coaching is not a one-size-fits-all process.

By becoming proficient in this methodology, coaches can better serve their clients by accelerating the identification and implementation of solutions, ultimately saving valuable time and resources. Furthermore, it enhances the coach's credibility and professional reputation, attracting high-level executive clients. Lastly, comprehensive training is crucial for ethical considerations as it ensures coaches are well-prepared to deliver high-quality coaching that aligns with the best interests of their executive clients.

Executive buy-in

Assess whether the executive clients are open to this approach and willing to shift their mindset from problems to solutions, ensuring a receptive audience. To assess whether executive clients are open to the solutions-focused coaching approach and willing to shift their mindset from problems to solutions, initiate an in-depth initial consultation, engaging in candid conversations to understand their challenges, goals, and expectations.

Clearly communicate the principles and benefits of solutions-focused coaching, aligning it with their objectives. Explore their past coaching experiences, feedback, and questions to gauge their readiness. Observe their natural problem-solving orientation and create a psychologically safe environment. Offer a trial session for firsthand experience and gather feedback. Throughout the coaching engagement, maintain regular check-ins and tailor the approach to their preferences, ensuring a collaborative, trust-based relationship that facilitates the transition to a solutions-focused mindset.

Integration with existing models

Determine how the solutions-focused framework can harmonize with other coaching models to cater to the unique needs of executive clients. To determine how the solutions-focused framework can harmonize with other coaching models to cater to the unique needs of executive clients, begin with a comprehensive client needs assessment, engaging in a collaborative dialogue to understand their preferences and expectations.

Tailor the coaching approach by blending elements from different models strategically and flexibly, keeping communication open for continuous feedback and adjustments as needed. Regularly evaluate the combined coaching approach's effectiveness and invest in ongoing professional development to expand your coaching toolkit. Seeking mentorship from experienced coaches who have successfully integrated multiple models can also provide valuable insights, ensuring a client-centered, adaptive, and effective coaching experience for executives.

Ethical rigor

Uphold ethical standards and boundaries to maintain the integrity of the coaching relationship, fostering a climate of trust and growth. Upholding ethical standards in executive coaching entails maintaining strict confidentiality, obtaining informed consent, disclosing conflicts of interest, ensuring competence, establishing professional boundaries, respecting client autonomy, avoiding discrimination, making informed referrals when necessary, engaging in continuous professional development, refraining from unjust influence, ethically ending the coaching relationship if needed, encouraging feedback, seeking ethical guidance when required, and valuing the client's trust and growth, all of which collectively foster an environment of trust and integrity in the coaching relationship.

The main takeaway

In the high-stakes arena of executive coaching, the solutions-focused coaching model stands as a formidable ally in the quest for transformation and growth. By championing solutions, empowering executives, and focusing on achievable progress, this approach has the potential to unleash the untapped potential of leaders and drive meaningful advancements within organizations. As executive coaches, it is paramount to thoughtfully consider the application of this dynamic methodology, its seamless integration with existing coaching models, and the readiness of both coaches and executives to embark on a journey of solutions, innovation, and success.

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