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Web 3.0: The Future of Learning & Development

Episode #1023: Learning and development are necessary and ever-changing functions of a healthy business. In light of the current growth of online education, training, and virtual employment, there has been an increased interest in understanding how to best employ a Learning Management System (LMS). Dive into these topics with Rustica Lamb, author of Learning 3.0, host of The Learning 3.0 Podcast, a senior learning ecosystem strategist out of Auckland, New Zealand, and founder and president of Bloom Learning Technologies, and learn how they affect today’s businesses.

About Rustica Lamb

Rustica Lamb is the author of Learning 3.0, host of The Learning 3.0 Podcast, a senior learning ecosystem strategist out of Auckland, New Zealand, and founder and president of Bloom Learning Technologies. She has vast experience and knowledge in curriculum development, learning strategy, and the implementation of learning management systems. Rustica Lamb is a lifetime learner who lives by the mantra of, “use your talents and skills to make a difference and be resourceful through that lens.” She has a passion for helping businesses learn better and train better.

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Key highlights

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Timestamp 09:29

Rustica’s company Bloom gets its name from Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a model of how understanding is built. Rustica uses this model in her consulting with clients and views it as a vital tool in her business.

Asking “how did I learn?”

Timestamp 10:12

When discussing “discovery learning,” Rustica shares a story of how she used discovery learning as she built her classic 1959 caravan. Severin states that he uses discovery learning when he looks for answers on YouTube. Rustica agrees that discovery learning includes the process of finding information. She states that “people are learning all the time…” and that it is important for people to ask “how did I learn today?” By asking these questions, leaders can develop a better understanding of the learning process, which can then be applied to their corporation’s learning and development.

The development of today’s learning management systems

Timestamp 13:41

In Rustica’s journey toward a master’s degree, she studied the history of Learning Management Systems (LMS). She states that as the web developed, so did LMS technology. Since the development of what Rustica calls “Web 2.0”—the time when information on the internet became two-way—Rustica believes that there has been little innovation to LMS technologies. Because of this, Rustica believes that it is important for data to be aggregated in the future in order to best address Web 3.0.

Web 3.0

Timestamp 17:33

Rustica states that Web 3.0 is focused on intelligent systems and emerging tech. Leadership and development will also change as these new intelligent systems and emerging technologies are released. “Imagine companies building their tech on the blockchain and actually rewarding people for doing their compliance training with cryptocurrency...” states Rustica. Because of these new changes in Web 3.0, Rustica created Learning 3.0 to better navigate and address the upcoming changes in the learning and development industry.

Helping companies implement LMS technology

Timestamp 20:26

When consulting companies that want to implement LMS technology, Rustica shares that she often must slow them down, create plans, and obtain requirements from stakeholders. In her consulting processes, Rustica ensures that focus groups are done to address each party’s opinion of an LMS including the learner. To successfully implement an LMS, Rustica states the future needs of the company need to be understood and that those selecting and administering learning information must understand data, data aggregation, Watson APIs, and machine learning. Without an understanding of what a company’s strategy is, LMS projects often fail, especially if the corporate culture is not supportive.

Content libraries

Timestamp 26:53

Severin and Rustica discuss the impact of content libraries and their often ineffective nature. Rustica claims that a lot of these libraries are not aggregated and that different users have different experiences. Because of this, Rustica restates the importance of strategy and identifying “what people are trying to achieve.” Severin agrees saying that “all the data we have is not knowledge and all the courses we have aren’t wisdom…” It is important for leaders to implement learning and development strategies, and use these strategies to support their employees’ learning.

The Learning 3.0 Podcast

Timestamp 29:13

Rustica hosts the Learning 3.0 Podcast where she interviews those from the learning and development industry. She started the podcast in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, and realized it was a good platform for her to test her ideas and get market feedback. She outlines how she runs her podcast and how she organizes the questions that she asks her guests.

Rustica recommends that when starting a podcast, it is important to have a good team. She uses her team to develop the technical parts of her podcast, such as editing and audio quality. Severin shares that as he releases podcasts, he is reviewing information himself to ensure that all the concepts and ideas stated are supported by science, because it gives him the possibility to revisit podcast and create a “masterwork” or chapter of a book.

The need for training

Timestamp 34:34

Severin shares how important it is for corporations to create their own training programs. As an example, he shares a story of a trucking company near him that trains truck drivers, employs the best students of their program, and sends the other students to other truck driving companies. He also shares the use of halfway houses and manual labor jobs to train individuals in specific skills for employment.

In reflection on this need for training, Severin asks Rustica what she has found that “help[s] people get engaged in learning.” Rustica states the importance of engagement. In her personal reflection of the need to teach commercial acumen, she has developed an idea of a four-month program that would allow business leaders to practically engage in their training through a project. Their learnings could then be applied to their actual business practices. Rustica states that in training, PowerPoints are “not engaging.”

The value of Clubhouse

Timestamp 42:07

Severin and Rustica first met on Clubhouse, an online presentation platform. Rustica believes that what makes Clubhouse valuable is the ability to listen to others’ presentations and discussions, and quietly drop-in or drop-out as desired. Severin agrees and relates this his desire to optimize his time by listening to impactful presentations with the freedom to exit as needed.

Best practices for online learning

Timestamp 47:10

Rustica states that Bloom’s Taxonomy is essential when creating online learning and training instead of in-class instruction. She believes that if a presentation can be done in-person with a PowerPoint, it can be done virtually. There is a need for Bloom’s level of application when conducting training virtually and giving trainees the opportunity to practice their learnings through “case studies” and “role-playing.” Severin agrees with her statement and shares that he gives out readings and Ted Talks prior to his meetings to help the audience prepare.

A world of free information

Timestamp 51:06

The Internet has become a land of free information for its users. Because of this, Rustica believes that “universities will lose their relevancy” and that there is an untapped pool of potential for those with certifications and knowledge. However, these people do not have formal qualifications, so they are not apparent to business leaders. In response to this, Severin shares a story of how a top candidate for a CTO got his learning from Udemy. This candidate was unable to do traditional schooling because he spent his time running a business. He had so much knowledge that it made those with the formal degree appear to use their qualifications as a crutch to stop learning. Because of his continual learning, he was given the position.

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